Thursday, March 10, 2011

Edward Cullen from "Twilight"

all about Edward Cullen
Edward Cullen - Twilight

Edward Cullen biography

Edward (Edward Anthony Masen) Cullen was born in 1901. When he was 17 he was taken ill with Spanish influenza. He was found being dying by Carlisle Cullen who transformed him into a vampire.

Edward Cullen family

Twilight - Eclipse
Carlisle Cullen is Edward's adoptive father. After the transformation into a vampire he discovered that he could feed himself with animal blood. Then he perfected his ability to resist the blood lust and became a doctor.
Esme Cullen is Carlisle Cullen's wife. She is an adoptive mother of Edward and other Cullens. Esme treats all them including Bella Swan as her own children. She loves everybody and always ready to recompose and to give advice.
Alice Cullen is the wife of Jasper Hale. She is a petite, graceful young girl with a short dark hair. She has a unique ability to see the future. Her talent helped her family many times to avoid problems as well as make right decisions.
Emmett Cullen is Rosalie Hale's husband. He is very muscular and has an enormous strength. Despite his brutal appearance he has a keen sense of humor and a genial disposition.

Edward Cullen info

Edward isn't a typical vampire: he refused human blood and feeds on animal blood as all Cullens do.

Edward Cullen lives among humans and goes to an ordinary school in a small town Forks. This town is convenient for vampires due to its climatic conditions. It's always cloudy there and vampires can feel themselves safe, because the sun can reveal their unhuman nature making their skin sparkle.

He is very beautiful, he has brown hair with bronze shade, Edward Cullen's eyes, generally goldish like topaz, can become darker and even black when he goes long without feeding. He is very tall, his skin is very pale and cold like marble.

In addition to his agreeable mellow voice and irresistible charm, he has some supernatural for humans but ordinary for vampires abilities like incredible strength, speed, extraordinary vision, hearing and sense of smell. Besides it Edward Cullen has his own talent: he is able to read minds of anyone within several miles around. Only Bella Swan is the exeption: her mind stays close for him.

She is an ordinary girl, but she has evoked in Edward an unquenchable thirst, but he could control himself. He decided to leave Bella to assure her safety out of his dangerous vampire world. The girl could understand who Edward is and he was obliged to tell the truth about his vampire nature. This fact didn't scare Bella and afterwards Bella Swan has become Edward Cullen's girlfriend.

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